Monthly native title updates
Check out the latest Aboriginal Way
The spring edition of Aboriginal Way is hot off the press and jam-packed with First Nations news and native title updates, including a letter from our CEO Keith Thomas.
The magazine is created by the communications team at SANTS and designed by Aboriginal-owned business, We Create Print Deliver. Pick up your free copy at cafes, libraries or educational institutions around SA and the NT.
Farewell and new faces in our Research Team

This month, SANTS farewelled our Research Manager Belinda Liebelt (pictured second from right) who is moving to Darwin after 8 years with us. A big thank you to Belinda for all her work supporting native title groups over the years – she will be missed!
Lea Gardam will be taking over her role, starting in December. She joins two other new recruits to the research team, Jonathan Fox and Cameron McVicar, who will be working alongside existing team members Krystle Fiebig and Garryn Wingfield.
SA Voice inaugural address

Last week, the SA First Nations Voice to Parliament gave its inaugural address to the South Australian Parliament.
The historic address was given in the Legislative Council Chamber at Parliament House, with Presiding Member Leeroy Bilney speaking on behalf of the collective members of the SA Voice.
So far, the Voice has provided feedback on government legislation relating to early childhood development and preventative health, and is set to provide formal contribution to the Royal Commision into Domestic, Family and Sexual Violence.
AW attended the address, asking Minister for Aboriginal Affairs Kyam Maher to interview Mr Bilney following his speech.
We also spoke with Yawarrawarrka man and SA Voice representative, Rob Singleton, about his aspirations for the collective moving forward.
Listen to this episode of Aboriginal Way “SA Voice addresses Parliament” on Apple Podcasts or Spotify.
Kangaroo Island’s First Ever Cultural Tour

The first-ever cultural tour on Kangaroo Island is now up and running.
Ngarrindjeri Elder Mark Koolmatrie’s tourism company, Kool Tours has teamed up with Sealink Kangaroo Island for the tour, which will respectfully share the unique culture and history of KI, or Nurrungaui as it is known to the Ngarrindjeri people.
It’s proving to be a year of growth for Kool Tours. The company was recently inducted into the Hall of Fame at the South Australian Tourism Awards after winning gold medals there for three years running.
Mark Koolmatrie joined us on Aboriginal Way to tell us all about the new KI tour and Australia’s booming First Nations tourism industry.
National Native Title Council urges federal government to boost Traditional Owners’ economic self-determination

The National Native Title Council has urged the federal government to provide Traditional Owners funding and access to finance in response to a parliamentary report released this week that recommends essential steps to supporting First Nations Australians’ right to economic self-determination.
NNTC CEO Jamie Lowe said that while the clean energy transition provides vast opportunities for Traditional Owners with numerous clean energy, transmission and critical minerals projects predicted, and billions of dollars of funding have been earmarked for industry, “virtually no funding has been set aside for Traditional Owner groups with scant access to finance”.
NNTC Chair, Kado Muir, noted that “Most PBCs have little ability to access finance and other critical support needed to manage Country and purchase equity stakes to co-own large-scale projects”.
“A Future Made in Australia must redefine socio-economic relationships between First Australians and the settler economy,” he said.