Monthly native title updates
Kulilaya Festival – 40 year celebration of APY
In a spectacular display of culture and community spirit, the Anangu Pitjantjatjara Yankunytjatjara (APY) Lands hosted the Kulilaya Festival in March, marking over 40 years of the Anangu Pitjantjatjara Yankunytjatjara (APY) Land Rights Act.
SANTS was honoured to sponsor and attend the event set on the red sands of Umuwa in South Australia’s far north.
Highlights included performances from Dem Mob, Docker River Band, the Iwiri Choir and several inma ceremonies which displayed a deep knowledge of Country and culture.
Look out for the feature story in the next edition of Aboriginal Way.
Yandruwandha Yawarrawarrka light show

✨ Padla Ngalungga Kinipapa (Cooper Creek, Our Country) ✨ is a light and sound installation celebrating the traditional lands of the Yandruwandha Yawarrawarrka people across south-west Queensland and north-east South Australia.
The event will showcase Traditional Owner’s perspectives associated with the Burke, Wills, King and Yandruwandha National Heritage Places and feature stories of relevant expeditions and interactions.
The project received funding from the Australian Government’s Heritage Grants program, which aims to improve recognition, conservation, preservation and access of National Heritage listed places.
🗓️ 12-20 April 2024
🕖 Showing nightly after dark at Innamincka
🎟️ Free event
Dhawura Ngilan Business and Investor Guides

In response to ineffective cultural heritage laws in Australia, the First Nations Heritage Protection Alliance (FNHPA) has released the Dhawura Ngilan Business and Investor Guides, which outline the steps businesses should take to uphold the principles of free, prior and informed consent (FPIC) when interacting with First Nations cultural heritage.
The guides are inspired by, and take the name from, the Dhawura Ngilan Vision drafted by heritage councils across the country with the backing of the FNHPA. This vision sets the course for First Nations heritage over the next decade.
The guides also address the due diligence investors should undertake to manage the legal, financial and reputational risks associated with First Nations cultural heritage destruction.
Read the Dhawura Ngilan Business and Investor Guides
First Nations Clean Energy Symposium 2024

Check out the First Nations Clean Energy Symposium at the Stamford Grand Hotel this May 8-9.
The symposium will be a great opportunity for Traditional Owners to share and learn about how First Nations people are participating in the clean energy transition.
The program, presented by the First Nations Clean Energy Network, National Native Title Council and Indigenous Land and Sea Corporation, will cover key themes such as:
- Supporting the development of community-owned renewable energy projects to deliver lower-cost, reliable energy
- Powering job opportunities and strong economies so our mob can live and work on Country
- Developing collaborative pathways to community-led small, medium and large scale clean energy solutions
- Building in First Nations early engagement and free prior and informed consent to reduce risk and cost and increase shared benefits
- Accelerating First Nations partnerships, equity and ownership, embedding First Nations leadership
- Implementing the First Nations Clean Energy Strategy and recommendations for policy and regulatory reform
SA Voice representatives announced

In March Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander people living in South Australia were given the opportunity to vote for their SA Voice representatives.
The results are now available for all six SA regions including: Adelaide, Far North, Flinders and Upper North, Riverland and South East, West and West Coast, Yorke and Mid-North.