SANTS News – January 2025

Monthly native title updates

Staff farewells and milestones

Last month, we farewelled our Chief Finance Operations Manager, Katy Bone, after 5 years at SANTS and our Administrative Services Officer, Marilyn Wilson, after 8 years of service. We are sad to see them go, but appreciate all their hard work and wish them all the best in the future!

Two senior staff members also celebrated significant milestones in January. Corporate & Community Development Manager, Tom Jenkin reached 20 years of service, while Senior Corporate & Community Development Officer, Mick Starkey had his 15 year anniversary at the organisation.

Reconciliation SA calls for change of date

Reconciliation SA have called for the date of the annual Australia Day celebration on January 26 to be moved, amidst efforts to strive for a more reflective approach to the national holiday.

The date has remained a point of division amongst Australians, with regular debate arising in the lead up.

Rec SA are asking the wider public to consider the viewpoint of many Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islanders who relate Jan 26 with the dark history of early colonisation.

Jeremy Johncock, a proud Wirangu and Mirning man and Co-Chair Reconciliation SA, provided the following statement.

“There is this misconception that Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander peoples don’t want to celebrate our beautiful Country,” he said.

“Of course we do, just not on the day that marks the beginning of dispossession, forcible removal of children, loss of culture, languages and lands.

“Acknowledging our shared history is one part but acceptance of this history, seems to be the challenging piece – both are essential for healing, unity, and progress.”

Listen here

Review of the Future Acts Regime for Native Title

The Australian Law Reform Commission (‘ALRC’) has been asked to review the future acts regime in the Native Title Act 1993 (Cth) by the Commonwealth Government. They are looking at problems in the future acts regime and developing ideas for reform.

The Inquiry is about when people do things on Country that affect native title. ALRC will look at when people need permission to do things on Country; the types of things that can be done, and how to ask for permission. In native title law, this is called the ‘future acts regime’.

The Issues Paper includes:

  • a summary of native title law and the future acts regime;
  • some important issues they have found;
  • some things people have told them so far; and
  • five questions people might like to answer when they write a submission.

Anyone is welcome to make a submission in response to the Issues Paper. You can make a submission until 21 February 2025 via their website, email or post.

Send submission here

Join the First Nations Heritage Protection Alliance 

The First Nations Heritage Protection Alliance is a coalition of member organisations representing First Nations people from across Australia – including native title, land rights and community-controlled organisations.

The Alliance seeks to strengthen the laws, policies and procedures around the recognition, respect, protection and celebration of First Nations cultural heritage in Australia, following the the shocking destruction of Juukan Gorge.

Membership is open to Aboriginal and/or Torres Strait Islander organisations that are:

  • incorporated under relevant legislation and are not-for-profit
  • controlled and operated by Aboriginal and/or Torres Strait Islander people
  • connected to the community/communities in which they operate
  • governed by a majority Aboriginal and/or Torres Strait Islander governing body

Be part of the national movement to protect our cultural heritage and determine future protection laws by filling out the membership form below.

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