Monthly native title updates
Christmas closure
On behalf of SANTS staff and directors, we wish native title groups, Aboriginal communities and our stakeholders a happy and safe Christmas and New Year!
A special mention to our dedicated Board members, Joshua Haynes (Chair), Garry Goldsmith (Deputy Chair), Rosalind Coleman (Treasurer), April Lawrie, Paul Case, Paul Gordon, Rex Tjami and Cheryl Saunders for their time and dedication to the governance of SANTS this year.
Our office will close on 25 December 2023 and reopen on 2 January 2024.
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Kaurna remains reburied at Wangayarta

This week, Kaurna people met at Wangayarta Memorial Park to rebury ancestors disturbed from eastern Adelaide.
The South Australian Museum held the remains for close to a century after they were taken from burial sites in Norwood, St Peters, Walkerville and Campbelltown in the late 1800s through to the 20th century.
During the third reburial, Kaurna Elders and young people worked side by side to return their Old People to Country – at Wangayarta, they won’t be disturbed again.
Tim Agius, Chair of Kaurna Yerta Aboriginal Corporation, said: “These reburials have been a very significant event in the history of Kaurna. It signals a time for reflection and a watershed moment in Kaurna history to discuss what happens in the future to our ancestors with the state government and industry.”
Indigenous Rangers Program grants

The Indigenous Rangers Program (IRP) is a successful and well-respected program that assists First Nations people in managing their Country. The program delivers a range of environmental, cultural, social and economic development outcomes for Aboriginal people.
The Australian Government has committed to expanding the IRP with funding available to double the number of Indigenous rangers to 3,800 by 2030.
The National Indigenous Australian Agency (NIAA) will deliver on the government’s commitment through an open and competitive grant opportunity process.
In addition to creating new jobs, funding priorities include:
– expanding the IRP footprint in places without Indigenous rangers, with regionally-based allocations
– increasing the number of women Indigenous rangers
– increasing Indigenous rangers on dedicated Indigenous Protected Areas
– building the ability of ranger groups to become more self-sufficient through capacity building, strategic planning, asset purchases and career development, including youth pathways.
Shortly, NIAA will provide dates for a series of information sessions. These sessions will contain detailed information for PBCs and an opportunity to ask questions directly to the NIAA.
SANTS is keen to support Traditional Owners in preparing funding submissions, particularly in preparing the documentation necessary (e.g. Caring for Country plans). If you have any questions, please email Tom Jenkin ( / Mel Reid ( or call our office on 08 8110 2800.