Monthly native title updates
Nauo ready for second native title determination
Next month the Nauo people are set to receive their second native title consent determination (Nauo #1 and Nauo #2) at a special hearing on Country in Coffin Bay.
All are welcome to attend this historic occasion on the Eyre Peninsula.
When: 15 May 2023 – 11:00am
Where: Coffin Bay Yacht Club – 146 Esplanade, Coffin Bay
Calls for SA to expand Aboriginal ranger program

This month Aboriginal rangers from across SA met at the Country Needs People Aboriginal Land and Sea Management Workshop in Hahndorf.
Deputy Premier Susan Close and Greens MLC Tammy Franks attended the event and listened to our calls for secure and ongoing funding for community-based Aboriginal ranger programs.
We hope this leads to real action – a funding boost would not only benefit Traditional Owners but help create healthier Country and stronger communities.
Prescribed Bodies Corporate Forum

The federal government has committed $720,000 to help restore and preserve some of Australia’s oldest cultural heritage sites in South Australia, including Koonalda Cave located within the Nullarbor Wilderness Protection Area.
There is no net zero economy without First Nations policy change

The National Native Title Council (NNTC) is urging for comprehensive policy reform in response to a new study released on Wednesday 19 April, that finds approximately 43% or an area of 50,000 km2 of new renewable energy and transmission infrastructure would need to be sited on the Indigenous Estate for Australia to get to net zero emissions by 2060.
Water model to have flow-on benefits for First Nations

The federal government has announced $9.2 million in funding to develop a First Nations water holding model, in partnership with Indigenous organisations.
Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander people have been calling for enduring water holding arrangements for more than a decade.
First Nations peoples hold rights to about 40 per cent of Australian land through native title, yet own and control less than 0.2 per cent of the surface water entitlements.