About Sants

South Australian Native Title Services Ltd (SANTS) is the Native Title Service Provider for South Australia, primarily funded by the National Indigenous Australians Agency (NIAA).
We are a not-for-profit company assisting Aboriginal people in South Australia to gain recognition and to protect their native title rights and interests. We deliver a range of services to Aboriginal Nations to achieve their social, cultural and economic aspirations.

Our History
On 1 July 2008, South Australian Native Title Services (SANTS) was first recognised as the Native Title Service Provider (NTSP) for South Australia.
The Aboriginal Legal Rights Movement (ALRM) was the Native Title Representative Body (NTRB) for South Australia before this date.
A section of ALRM, the Native Title Unit (NTU) managed native title functions. The NTU operated largely independently to the other work of ALRM, but remained under the direction of ALRM’s Board and Chief Executive Officer. The NTU had a separate Executive Officer, Parry Agius who managed the Unit's strategic directions.
The establishment of a stand-alone organisation to deliver native title services was discussed by the ALRM, NTU, Congress (South Australia’s forum for native title groups) and the Commonwealth for a number of years. In November 2006, a joint meeting was held and Congress and ALRM agreed to the separation of native title services from ALRM to form a separate legal entity.
In February 2007, ALRM advised the Commonwealth that it would relinquish its NTRB status. It was agreed that native title services in South Australia would be provided by a new corporate body. After a one year recognition period, the formal separation was completed on 1 July 2008 and SANTS commenced its operations and native title functions.
Since commencing operation over a decade ago, SANTS has successfully facilitated many native title outcomes in our state through negotiation rather than litigation.
In South Australia, a cooperative, strategic approach to native title resolution has been implemented by the Federal Court, South Australian Government and SANTS.
There have been over 30 decisions, or ‘determinations’ of native title since SANTS commenced operation. The majority of these determinations have been achieved through consent, or agreement.
We have also assisted native title claim groups to negotiate Indigenous Land Use Agreements (ILUAS), which give practical and detailed recognition to the rights of native title groups.
We are proud that South Australia now has over 60% of its area resolved for native title purposes.
Much of our work today is to provide support and services to Aboriginal Nations to achieve their aspirations.
SANTS Strategic Plan 2020-2025
Our Vision
Empower Aboriginal Nations to strengthen culture, country and community
Our Mission
Be a provider of choice to support Aboriginal Nations to recognise and protect their native title rights and interests and to realise their aspirations
Our Values
Respectful: We recognise and value people, country, culture, diversity and ideas
Collaborative: We work together ethically and professionally to ensure leadership and growth
Aspirational: We aim high, challenge ourselves and strive for excellence