Reconciliation SA calls for change of date

Reconciliation SA have called for the date of the annual Australia Day celebration on January 26 to be moved, amidst efforts to strive for a more reflective approach to the national holiday.

The date has remained a point of division amongst Australians, with regular debate arising in the lead up.

Rec SA are asking the wider public to consider the viewpoint of many Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islanders who relate Jan 26 with the dark history of early colonisation.

Jeremy Johncock, a proud Wirangu and Mirning man and Co-Chair Reconciliation SA, provided the following statement.

“There is this misconception that Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander peoples don’t want to celebrate our beautiful Country,” he said.

“Of course we do, just not on the day that marks the beginning of dispossession, forcible removal of children, loss of culture, languages and lands.

“Acknowledging our shared history is one part but acceptance of this history, seems to be the challenging piece – both are essential for healing, unity, and progress.”